To prepare the fajita mix by substituting beef with pork, chicken or shrimp you can use your imagination. Preparing the tortilla with wheat flour or soy and not refined flour, and grilling the meat with a drop of olive oil, this way you will get fajitas which are low in fat, healthy, highly nutritious and fibrous.
So eat healthy by enjoy this very well known dish in an unusual way and experimenting intelligently with fajita. You can eat healthy food without having to compromise on the taste. And most importantly, you can prepare this food with almost everything you can get your hands on, rather than having to prepare dishes with unique stuff that are frightfully expensive. To make the fajita recipe healthier and tastier just use your creativity and think out of the box.
Here it is Beef Fajita Recipe.
- 2 pounds skirt steak or other beef cut in ½-inch strips
- 5 flour tortillas
- ¼ cup soy sauce
- ¼ cup lime juice
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 medium onion, sliced
- 1 large green pepper, chopped
- 1 large red pepper, chopped
- 1½ cups grated cheddar cheese
How to Make:
- Mix the soy sauce, chili powder, lime juice and 2 tablespoons of the oil in a small bowl.
- Add the soy sauce mixture and beef to a resealable plastic bag or a bowl and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After that remove it from the marinade.
- In a large frying pan, heat 1 tablespoon of oil on high heat setting. Add the beef to the frying pan then sauté until cooked through. Remove the chicken or the beef from the pan and set aside.
- In a frying pan, heat 1 more tablespoon of oil. Saute the green pepper, red pepper and the onion until softened, about 5 minutes. Put the chicken or the beef to the pan and heat through, about 1 to 2 minutes.
- Set Sprinkle the beef mixture on each tortilla and cheese. Roll up each tortilla and serve.
• This fajita recipe makes 5 servings.
• Fajitas are delicious served with salsa, sour cream, chopped fresh cilantro and guacamole.
Source : Click Here
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